Music | Interview – Mø

The last time LSi caught up with Danish indie-electronic artist MO it was October, she was supporting Aluna George at the Cockpit and had just released her debut E.P ‘Bikini Daze’. Now, four months later, she is on the brink of releasing her full length debut album and is bringing her headline tour to the U.K. LSi talked to MO about the upcoming album, her latest single and her rider requests.


Looking back now, how do you feel about ‘Bikini Daze’?

I like the EP; I think it’s a nice build up to the album. Not that it’s a preview of the album but it certainly contains similar elements.


Do you feel any pressure with the upcoming release of your debut album No Mythologies to Follow?

Yeah, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t! But it’s a good kind of pressure, I desperately want to live up to the expectations of the people who supported me and have bought the EP.


Let’s talk about your new single ‘Don’t Wanna Dance’. Why was this chosen as the debut single?

Well I think it’s because most of the songs on the album are quite dark, especially lyrically, it’s very much about being young, confused and frustrated. But ‘Don’t Wanna Dance’ is one of the only songs, maybe the only one, which is looking on the bright side of being young, confused and lost in society. Those nights where you get and just hang out with your friends and let go; you don’t worry about the following morning. So I thought it would be nice to release a positive song before revealing the darker side of the album.


Are you happy with the reaction to the single so far?

Well yeah, it seems that the reaction has been very positive. The song is easy to understand, it’s a simple concept about letting go and having fun. It appears that people get that. The response has been good. In the end it is what it is.


Last year saw you collaborate with Avicii on his track ‘Dear Boy’. What was it like working with him?

I never actually met him! I got given the track a year and a half ago and I was told that it was from a Swedish guy called Avicii and he wanted me to lay down some vocals. It was a bit different to what I was used to but I did it anyway. Then, about a year ago, I found out that he was a big star and that the track would be on the album! It was crazy. I wish I had met him!


Has any of his music had any influence on your music at all?

Well, the thing is I haven’t actually listening to full albums except if I’ve already fallen in love with the artist. I’m not one of those people who will sit around and listen to a lot of other records – it conflicts too much with the music that’s inside my head. I get too confused if I listen to other stuff too much.


The last time you were performing in Leeds you were supporting Aluna- George at the Cockpit, how are you feeling headlining the same stage?

It’s very surreal; I’m very happy and excited I just hope that there’s a lot of people there and that they enjoy it. I just want to make sure I deliver a good show.


Last question – What are your craziest rider requests on tour?

Nothing really but we’ve definitely talked about crazy ones to request. We said that when we were really famous we’d have our own personal masseuses. When you’re in a van all day you get really stiff and it would be nice to have massages before going on stage. The only thing we really have now is whisky and white wine.


But not together?

(Laughs) No! But we did used to take vodka shots before going on stage.


Dominic Moffitt

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