News | Poo-pertrator splashes back!

A house of students were shocked to find a human faeces on their doorstep when they opened their door last Saturday.

In October 2011 there were a series of poos being left on residents’ doorsteps in Leeds. However, it would appear that this story has not been wiped away just yet.

Third year Civil Engineering student, John Donnellan, told LS he nearly stepped in the unwelcome human stool by his front door.

Despite the cold, the ‘Poo-pertrator’ insisted on dropping the kids off at the pool after the victims had returned from a night out. “He must have done it at like 5am or something.”

The students were certain the faeces

was human as one of the housemates said: “it was big”, adding: “the person had obviously pissed whilst squatting”.

After an obligatory Snapchat, another housemate had to clean up the rather large chocolate hot dog. The third year told LS: “I just wanted to know what the person used to wipe. It was a sh*t that needed more than the normal amount of paper”.

This incident raises the question of whether 2011’s ‘Poopertrator’ has returned to leave his skid mark on the streets of Leeds, or if he has inspired a number 2: the ‘Unclean Bandit’.

The faecal fiend’s identity is unknown and will remain so until pooven guilty. Hopefully he will get sloppy and be caught with his trousers round his ankles before he strikes again!

Christian Green

photo: Alex Hogg

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