TV | Freeview Flicks of the week- Bridesmaids, Sunshine & Freaky Friday

There’s always a wide selection of great films available on Freeview and seeing as staying in is the new going out, TV presents the ideal opportunity to catch up on what you might have missed in the cinema. Plus, it saves you spending your student loan on DVDs and rentals. Sometimes the choice can be quite overwhelming, so LSi has decided to compile a weekly list of the best films on TV. This week we switch bodies with our mothers, go on a sci-fi adventure to the sun and laugh at a group of bridesmaids!

MONDAY – Freaky Friday (Film4 14:55)

The classic story of two very different people magically switching bodies for the day to experience life as the other, is best told in this funny and original 1976 film that sees a very young Jodie Foster becoming a star. Sure the remake may have more Hollywood gleam and better production values, but this old school style original is light-hearted fun with a great idea at the centre.

TUESDAY – Sunshine (Film4 23:45)

Danny Boyle is arguably one of the best directors Britain has ever produced, directing everything from Trainspotting, to the National Theatre’s wonderful Frankenstein adaptation to the Olympics’ Opening Ceremony. People constantly disagree on what is his best piece of work, but, although it is often overlooked, Sunshine has to be up there. Intense, scary, action-packed and intelligent, it is a thrilling film with fine performances from all the cast, especially Cillian Murphy, and gorgeous cinematography.

WEDNESDAY – Cave of Forgotten Dreams (Film4 01:55)

Werner Herzog may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it would be hard not to fall in love with this magical and enchanting documentary. As we step into the Chauvet caves of Southern France, you immediately become entranced by the beauty of them and will find yourself astonished as the paintings and markings of over 32,000 years old are revealed.

THURSDAY – Brazil (Film4 23:15)

In order to call yourself a film fan, you have had to have watched Terry Gilliam’s dystopian classic Brazil. Jonathan Pryce steals the show as a bureaucrat who becomes an enemy of the state in a strange retro-future that will haunt and terrify you with its metaphors relating to our modern world. Visually stunning with a compelling and thought-provoking story, it is a film that absorbs you completely whisking you off your feet to another world.

FRIDAY – Terminator 2:Judgement Day (Film4 21:00)

So the Terminator films are not brilliant, however this action-packed second instalment is perfect for a Friday night in complete with a takeout, can of beer and friends. Schwarzenegger may not be a great actor, but this role is perfect for him and he does a brilliant job with it. Despite its age the special effects still look good today and its fast packed action complete with nail-biting tension will make your evening a thrilling one.

SATURDAY – Coraline (Film4 16:55)

Often animations can feel quite similar, however Coraline is a quirky breath of fresh air. Dakota Fanning wonderfully voices Coraline, a young girl who discovers another world that is an idealised but slightly sinister version of hers. It is bursting full with imagination and creativity that everyone can enjoy even if you are not a fan of the animation genre!

SUNDAY – Bridesmaids (Channel 4 21:00)

Every now and again a comedy arrives that will get everyone laughing their socks off, and in 2011 it was the hilarious Bridesmaids. Writer Kristen Wiig has done wonders here with a fast, witty and funny script full of original humour that will ensure a laugh from everybody. The cast and characters are all just wonderful, and there are scenes that you will look back on for a giggle when needed (see the drunk plane scene). If you don’t fancy a comedy though, Hitchcock’s classic thriller North By Northwest is on at 14:50 ITV4.

Emily Murray


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