Features | How to make the most of your last semester

Let’s face it, you’re probably not going to get that first you claimed you’d get on that very first day. You’ve lost your air of plucky bravado and realised that you’re a small fish in a big pond now and after all, you want to enjoy your remaining days here. So here is a comprehensive list of all the things you should do before your student bubble is popped.

  • Do all those things you said you’d do way back when. Explore the cultural and visual delights that Yorkshire has to offer. Pretend you’re Kathy and Heathcliff traversing over the moors, visit the ever-endearing Tropical World (though beware of the butterfly room) and do all the GIAGs with societies you never did join.
  • If you still haven’t visited the Hyde Park Picture House, do it right now: take a date, go on your own, anything, as long as you soak up the splendour of the décor and watch the artsiest film on offer.
  • Unless you’re planning on pursuing a postgraduate academic career, your student discount will be no more. My withered and slightly cracked card tells me that ‘01-Jul-2014’ is my completion date and so the last day I can get that valuable 20 per cent off at Topshop. Use and abuse your student discount whilst you still can.
  • Make the most of our uni campus: Hidden Café, Brotherton library are all emblems of campus life at Leeds that I’m sure you will sorely miss. Whilst you’re bound to stress over your post-uni existence and wonder how on earth you’ll pay rent, remember you’re still in uni for now.

Steph Muldoon and Vickie Hesketh


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