Film | 10 reasons why Leo should win an Oscar

Ever since his performance at the age of nineteen as Arnie in the heart-breaking 1993 film What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Leonardo DiCaprio has been a constant feature in Hollywood blockbusters and breakout indie dramas alike. Incredibly talented, ridiculously good-looking, and by all accounts one of the nicest guys in ‘the biz’, he’s starred in over 29 feature films over his quarter decade career, earned 11 producer credits, and racked up 31 nominations for the major five film industry award ceremonies (BAFTA, Critic’s Choice, Golden Globes, Screen Actors Guild, and of course, the Oscars). Four these are Academy Award nominations yet he’s walked away three times empty handed, and despite a huge campaign and being a favourite amongst fans, doesn’t look likely to take home a golden statuette on March 2nd this year.

But never fear, Leo. We’re on your side, and this list proves why it’s such a grave injustice that no Academy Award has come your way so far.

1) No one has portrayed the teenage angst of Romeo Montague as well as him.

A year before he was stealing the hearts of every woman ever in Titanic, DiCaprio made the perfect Romeo Montague and scooped the Silver Bear at Berlinale for his portrayal – but for some reason, the role was widely ignored by Hollywood’s inner circle.



2) Everything about the 2002 Oscars.

That Martin Scorsese’s masterpiece Gangs of New York could be nominated for 10 Academy Awards and not wins a single one is baffling. The fact that Leo wasn’t nominated for his role in Gangs OR Catch Me If You Can is a downright fallacy. This was the same year that saw Chicago win best picture. Maybe Hollywood is a Godless place.

leo_bearing up


3) This collage of him crying.

Leo is an ugly crier. For being brave enough to show this to the whole world, he deserves some sort of reward.



4) His Jack Nicholson impression is uncanny.

As revealed on a Japanese television show, there’s a biopic just waiting to be made here.

leo_jack nicholson


5) The whole of The Departed.

God bless Martin Scorsese for having his favourites. And if Leo’s utterly convincing portrayal of an Irish-American police academy dropout sent undercover in the mob doesn’t move you, maybe Scorsese’s words about working with the actor will:

“It’s been one of the great adventures of my career. He is absolutely essential to me, to all of us, and essential to the history of movies.”

Why isn’t Scorsese’s praise enough, Academy Awards?!



6) Calvin Candie is legitimately terrifying.

With Michael Fassbender nominated for Best Supporting Actor this year for 12 Years a Slave, it’s worth remembering DiCaprio didn’t receive any recognition for Django Unchained. His role as a brutal, deranged but unfailingly charming plantation owner and slave master was compelling, but also enough to make your skin crawl. What’s more is the fact the character is completely believable. People like Calvin Candie exist in the real world.

leo_adult supervision


7) He’s got moves.

And I’m not just talking about that scene in Wolf of Wall Street. Enjoy this series of photos of him busting moves last year in Cannes:

FAMEFLYNET - Leonardo DiCaprio Partying At The Gotha Club In Cannes FAMEFLYNET - Leonardo DiCaprio Partying At The Gotha Club In Cannes FAMEFLYNET - Leonardo DiCaprio Partying At The Gotha Club In Cannes


8) No one wants it as badly as Leo.

Some actors want to win awards for bragging rights, some so they get offered better roles or more money. With Leo, you can’t help but get the impress he just wants to be acknowledged. He just wants to be liked by his peers, and we can all relate to that. If you feel like recreating Leo’s awards season despair, why not listen to Adagio for Strings whilst watching the following gif:



9) No one raises a glass quite like DiCaprio.

He’s done it in nine films, which makes him something of an expert.

leo-raise1 leo_raise2 leo_gatsbyglass


10) He’s hilarious.

Whether he’s recreating that iconic scene from Titantic with Jonah Hill…

leo and jonah

Or trying to evade the paparazzi with ingenious disguises…

leo_papped1 leo_papped2

Leo is a comedy goldmine. We’re not sure if it’s always intentional, but that only makes him even better.

But even if he doesn’t take home the prize on the night, Leo has shown incredible resilience in the past, and someday his ship (in the form of a tiny golden statuette) will come in. Until then, his own mantra about making films is proof enough of what a truly great person he is:

leo_try your best

Hannah Woodhead

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