Features | Top ten things to do after exams

1. Relax and recover from all the exam stress by taking a nice hot bath. No matter how often your parents and friends told you “You’ll be fine!” writing exams is not a walk through the park. For most of us it is stressful and we are full of anxiety while sitting in front of that dreaded exam paper. Now it is time to let go of that stress and relax your brain cells and body muscles.

2. Throw a house party. Before and especially during the exam period there was no time to party all night. You’ve been subjected to the silence of Brotherton and Ed Boyle, so be as loud and as raucous as you can.

3. Have a lie-in and wake up without an alarm clock. Perhaps your alarm clock was never your best friend but especially during the exam period all the more. Until lectures start just toss your alarm clock and sleep as long as you want. You definitely have the need to catch up with sleep.

4. Catch up with your favourite TV shows that you had to deny yourself while studying. Get yourself a blanket, some ice cream and curl up on your sofa and spend your whole day in pyjamas in front of your TV screen. The prospect of this has kept you going recently.

5. Go out with your friends and have your favourite meal. How long is it since you have last seen your mates? Great thing is that since you are at the same university exams are over for all of you at the same time. So grab them and go to your preferred restaurant in town and order your favourite meal.

6. Go on a shopping spree all day long. The money that has been left untouched while books were your priority is still on your bank account. Take some of the money and treat yourself with some new clothes. Get yourself that dress that you always wanted or those trainers that are waiting for you in the shop.

7. Go on a weekend trip with your best friend. Free your mind and forget about those exams. They will bother you again soon enough. Think about your favourite place and book a train there. But it is even more fun when you invite your friends to come with you.

8. Get out your Christmas presents. Now is the time to thoroughly test your new video game, eat the rest of your Christmas chocolate and get out your warm Christmas jumper. It is cold outside so nobody is going to  notice the snowflakes on your jumper…

9. Do something from your childhood be it a video game or an old book. Why not reminisce about the good old days and turn back the time to an exam and stress-free life? If you feel like it pick up the phone and call one of your childhood friends, maybe they feel the same as you.

10. Make a to-do list for the holiday. Be happy and enjoy the end of semester one but do not forget that another semester is just lined up. If it helps you get through another semester before you have the summer off then why not write a detailed to-do list with all the things you look forward. There is nothing better to keep you going than making plans for the summer.

Michelle Heinrich

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