TV | Moonfleet – Geezers and gaffers galore

Geezers and gaffers is what springs to mind when Ray Winstone is mentioned. That’s all he seems to play these days and it’s all he’s ever really played though this is not necessarily a bad thing.

Moonfleet is his latest work, brings the fun factor to our screens, it’s certainly not intended to be a serious drama. Based on a J Meade Faulkner novel, it is the story of John Trenchard (Aneurin Barnard), who embarks on an adventure with a group of smugglers led by Winstone’s character, Elzevir Block. Together, they hunt for a fabled lost diamond all the while trying to outwit an anti-smuggling magistrate, Mohune, a man who killed Block’s son.

With characters like these, this adapted children’s novel is certainly one that young would love to watch. The drama encompasses all the fantasies of every youngster dressed up in their favourite Long John Silver costume. There is action, adventure and plenty of cursing (no, not swearing), but the curse of Blackbeard instead.

Ray Winstone has a commanding presence, with his quips and pistols, you are drawn towards the actor in such a way that makes any other major characters seem secondary. The style is reminiscent of a Christmas pantomime, it has many corny moments, and it’s quite silly, however if you’re six, you’ll think it’s the greatest show in the world.

It’s not perfectly shot with some night time scenes obviously being shot in the day and many scenes skip by too quickly for there to be any major depth to the programme. Yet if you’re a young kid (or an adult who’s young at heart) who likes to live in Pirate Land, then this is a good way to spend a couple of hours.

Harry Wise

Photo: Property of

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