Video Games | The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot – Not epic but adequate

The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot sends you on a mighty quest on two levels. On one level you will be running around as either a knight or an archer collecting piles of glittering golden coins while shooting chickens and small frogs in the face. On another, you will be digging into your wallet on your own quest for epic loot, as unfortunately, there will be a sneaky incentive for you to use your own ‘blings’, ie. cash, to purchase high-level items regardless of whether you’ve been playing for a while or you’ve just begun.

The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot is not epic, but adequate. It appears to be quite a casual game that doesn’t require a lot of skill to play, as all you need is a mouse and a lot of time to kill, that is if you want to earn your loot instead of cashing in to buy the best gear. The click-to-move controls are simple and it’s relatively easy to massacre the mobs you’ll be facing, as advanced crossbows, weapons and armour are dropped quite early on and quickly get you used to upgrading your arsenal in order to face more enemies. This does, however, mean that you rapidly get a thirst for better items, which may lead some players to dip into their stash of ‘blings’, otherwise known as cold, hard cash.

Although it looks quite appealing with cartoony models of castles and enemies, The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot does strike me as being quite devious. The whole premise is that the kingdom of Opulencia rose up into the air to escape rising house prices (yes, really) and somehow it ended up in people hoarding wealth and then trying to steal the loot their neighbours accumulated. So as well as looting other people’s castles to advance to higher levels, you will also have to defend your castle from other players to defend the treasure you’ve stolen. This does insert a tower defence element which changes the strategies you’ll need to use throughout the game, but only if you relish the anxiety that someone could be smashing down your front door when you’re out raiding some poor sod’s castle. What a happy gaming community these incentives are sure to mould.

So overall, The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot is a decent free-to-play game, but does seem a bit dodgy when you consider the pressure to upgrade to better items and the ease with which you can pay-to-win.

 Zoe Delahunty-Light

Photo: Property of

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