Music | Ones to watch in 2014 – Real Lies

London trio Real Lies have uploaded just two tracks on soundcloud, yet they’ve already gained a healthy following with their house-inspired tunes, evoking the sight of watching the sun rise after a heavy party. Following a text message conversation with a number acquired from the end of one of their videos, LSi caught up with the band.


You’ve unveiled just two tracks and only been on the blogs for the last six months. How do you feel the reaction has been in this short space of time?

Yeah we’re happy with it, people seem to be into it. Obviously it’s only two tracks, two videos, so we’re looking forward to getting more out there.

You had the debut single launch at the beginning of this month – how did you feel it went?
It was fucking great. We played in this weird downstairs room in a Russian members club which was full of taxidermy. At the side of the stage there was one of a chimpanzee holding an AK47. It was a good gig, although the mixing desk blew up an hour before we played so we had to go and get another one.

This may be one of those things that you chose simply because you liked the sound of it, but where did the name Real Lies come from?
Well we used to go under a different name, but we got sued by an Australian band with the same name. They sent us an email
saying they’d just licensed a song to ‘American Dad’ and that we might as well call ourselves The Beatles, which is actually pretty funny I guess. Anyway, we changed it to Real Lies which we thought had a real bitter sweet quality to it. We think it’s a good name.

Tell us a little more about how the band came to be – are you all from London originally?
Nah, all of us are from… well I guess you’d call it the suburbs of London. Me and one of the guys Pat met playing football when we were kids and then I met the other guy Kev in a queue for a club. I think he passed me a can and we got chatting. We never actually sat down and said we should start a band. It was a very loose coming together, very ill defined roles. It’s a very unorthodox way of working, but it seems to be producing very interesting music.

The Poise of Veron mix shows you’ve got quite a broad range of sounds that come out of your creativity as writers. Is this a signal that future Real Lies tracks might take on very different sort of vibe as compared with what we’ve heard already?
Completely. A lot of those tunes were made by us on our way to work, on our way home from work, getting the overground train in London. Real Lies aren’t all gonna be necessarily house 4/4 tunes. We’ve got a lot of tunes written, they come from a lot of different styles; I think people will be surprised when they hear the next batch of tunes with how different they sound.

Are looking towards a debut album, or can we expect some sort of EP next?
We’re doing another single in January and we’ll see what happens after that. Obviously we’d like to put out an album as we think it’s a format that lends itself well to our music, but we’re not in any rush. We’re just gonna focus on this next single

What’s Real Lies got in store for 2014?
Our aims our to play more gigs, we’ve only played two gigs so far. We’re looking
forward to getting out of London, hopefully getting up to the North.

You should definitely come and play Leeds!
Yeah yeah man, make it happen man. We just wanna work on our live set and keep putting out bangers!


Adam Nealon

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