News | Student treated to secret gig at home

Indie band Reverend and the Makers have performed a spontaneous gig at a second year student’s house.

In response to tweets from French and Law student Maisie Andrews and her family, the Reverend played on the stairs of Andrews’ house in Woodhouse.

An ecstatic Andrews told LS: “I had to rally friends and change out of my pyjamas in an hour and a half!” Andrews’ family and friends travelled from across the country to watch the gig. “One friend even cancelled her birthday night out to be here!”

Front man Jon McClure, nicknamed The Reverend, was accompanied by two support bands, which he had recruited from a pub, several of his band and his brother. McClure played an acoustic set for an hour and a half, performing popular songs such as ‘Heavyweight Champion of the World’ to a very excited audience.

After the performance, he stayed to talk and take pictures with the audience. Andrews said: “the whole crowd was delighted.”

She added: “the gig was fantastic, with a great atmosphere. It was undoubtedly the most surreal and best night of my life!”

Carina Derhalli

Photo: Maisie Andrews

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