Sport | American Football – Celtics sink to Sharks

This Sunday saw the Celtics travel to Hull, playing against the defending league champions on their home ground.

Having received the opening kickoff, the Celtics offence were first to take the field, and after making a short gain, a bad snap of the ball resulted in a fumble recovered by the Hull, leaving them only 30 yards to drive for the score. Hull found finally found the endzone, and after a successful 2-point conversion, the Sharks were up by 8.

The Celtics were unable to make any ground through the air on the 4 downs that followed, a penalty against a Hull player gave them a second chance, and after a great inside run from running back Fred Gough, a lofted ball from Dan Tope-Charlton found tight-end Alex Hall in the endzone for the score, putting the scores at 8-6 to the Sharks.

Celtics had the momentum, pressuring the Hull offence into making a punt. The kick was successfully blocked and provided a grave opportunity for the Celtics offence. Hull could not find an answer for the inside runs from Fred Gough, with three successive plays all making positive yardage. However, a fumble proved fatal with Celtics losing possession.

As the Leeds defence took to the field, they retained their good form from the previous series, and after stopping the Sharks from making any more yards, a big hit left the ball rolling loose, to be scooped up by Felix Titherley and run back for the score, putting the Celtics in the lead at 12-8.

The Spartans took to the field, and although they were unable to make many yards running the ball, their punter made an excellent kick on 4th down; the ball rolling out of bounds leaving Celtics in their own end zone. The Celtics third down attempt however was intercepted by Hull who ran it back the short distance for the touchdown, putting the Sharks back in the lead, 14-12.

The Celtics committed another turnover but were fortunate Jack Fuller’s amazing effort prevented a Hull touchdown. They did however, with time running out, score a field goal to end the half leading 17-12.

Hull made an attempt to take to the air at the restart, but this was quickly punished by free safety James Carmichael, as he intercepted the ball and returned it several yards before being brought down. Another Celtics fumble proved to be fatal with Hull reclaiming possession. Hull were subsequently able to find the endzone, leaving them leading 24-12 as the game moved into the final quarter.

During this final 15 minutes, it became apparent that the lack of respite from the Hull offence was getting to the Celtic defence, as Hull slowly moved the ball down the field. Eventually, the Celtics were able to bring them to a stop,

but after the change of possession, with Leeds deep inside their own territory, a pass once again found the hands of a Hull player, who ran it in for the score, adding another 7 points to the Celtic’s woes.

As the clock wound down, despite a valiant effort Leeds, Hull kicked a field goal, dispatching the Celtics with a final score of 33-12.

Jonathan Windridge

Image courtesy of Jonathan Windridge

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