News | Leeds students admit to money worries

Over 30 per cent of Leeds students say that their finances are so worrying that it affects their day to day lives.

Over a third have also said that being rich is important to them, whilst 60 per cent said they were annoyed abut the rise in tuition fees last year but felt powerless to do anything about it.

The findings come through preliminary findings from the Union’s ‘Express Yourself’ campaign, the biggest piece of research into students that LUU has ever conducted.

So far over 2,000 people have taken part in the study, which closes on Sunday. The responses will influence the Union’s plan for the four years, for example how it runs its facilities, which 70 per cent of respondents said they wanted improving.

Union Affairs officer Bradley Escorcio said: “we must challenge ourselves to do even better and ensure the Union develops further to meet the needs and challenges that all our members face. I feel this research will enable us to do so.”

He added: “We want to understand the truth behind the student experience, the good and the bad. Only by truly understanding every aspect of our members’ lives can we be there for them.”

Fill out the survey here:

Rehema Figueiredo

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