News | RAG step into the line of fire

The Union was ablaze for charity this week as students walked across flaming coals for RAG’s Charity Week.

Almost two dozen participants braved 1236 degrees Fahrenheit to raise money for the RAG Community Fund.

RAG Co-ordinator David Bairstow said: “There was a really good turn out people, which provided great support for the firewalkers.”

Among the firewalkers was the Union’s Activities officer Greg Sturge and Welfare officer Charlotte Warner. Sturge described his feelings prior to the event as a “strange combination of pumped-up excitement and nervousness.”

He added: “The actual walk was like walking on hot sand on a beach.” Warner told LS: “It was a really great experience and surprisingly pain free!”

The event has so far raised £690, with donations from the night yet to be added.

Bairstow added: “The night was a lot of fun and successful in raising the profile of the Community Fund. The event was also obviously an integral part of the RAG week calendar, showcasing extreme challenges.

Carina Derhalli

Photo: RAG

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