News | Brotherton still wasting electricity

Energy efficiency in the University has again below par, with the Brotherton Library’s energy rating being so poor it is off the chart.

Following a recent LS investigation into energy efficiency in the Edward Boyle library, a new updated certificate is now on display. Despite the coverage, the Brotherton Library has not updated its certificate.

The current Display Energy Certificates around the Union and University rate the building from A-G, with G being the least efficient.

Typical efficiency is rated around 100 but the Brotherton Library is listed at 1358, showing similarly poor efficiency to the Edward Boyle.

A spokesperson from the University said: “Since 2010/11, Estates have funded a programme of work to provide building level metering. This will help to reduce energy consumption.”

LS also looked into the energy efficiency around the Union buildings and found certificates to be out of date.

A spokesperson from the Union said: “Our landlord Leeds University is responsible for ensuring LUUs DEC is in place and up to date. I am aware that our DEC is out of date and have contacted the University”.

Maddy Keating

Photo: Sarah Rose Roberts

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