TV | Beauty School Cop Outs – MTV's latest dose of trashy TV

I am always amazed at how resourceful the likes of MTV are at making trashy TV. Filling in the gap created by Geordie Shore (which has already had at least 3 seasons this year) is the new show the ‘everybody is talking about’, Beauty School Cop-Outs. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love a bit of mindless entertainment. I am an avid fan of all things reality related never missing any Shore related offerings (Jersey or Geordie) and even sometimes tuning into their even lower brow sibling The Valleys. However after enduring just one episode of Beauty School Cop Outs I think I may have to reassess filling my time with such endeavours.

The premise is extremely similar to all the aforementioned shows; a group of twenty-somethings slung into a house in a city, most of them having never been away from home and recording them being ‘outrageous’. The twist with this is they are in some sort of competition to become qualified beauticians. All of the cast are, to their own admission, extremely vain and so a large portion of the show is dedicated to shots of them preening and the rest of the air time is filled up with them failing to succeed in tasks set by exasperated professionals. Highlights of the first episode were all members of the cast snogging each other, one revealing themself to be ‘Liverpool’s number one transvestite’ (he really was very good) and a near cat-fight amongst the ladies of the house. Regrettably, unlike Geordie Shore, none of the cast are remotely entertaining or likeable. Perhaps I’m just getting old, maybe I should give it another chance, after all it does always take a while for the characters to come out of their shells… right?

You can watch Beauty School Cop Outs on Tuesdays on MTV at 10pm.

Lillie van den Berg


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