News | Sainsbury's infested apples

A student has told LS of finding a maggot infestation in a bag of apples she bought from Hyde Park Sainsbury’s.

Rachel Groocock, a second year English student, discovered the maggot while slicing the infested fruit in her kitchen. “It was bought in a multi-pack of six apples from the Hyde Park Sainsbury’s” said the distressed student.

Elaborating on her foul discovery, she said: “I found the maggot a day after buying it and it was in a sealed pack right up until I got it out to slice, so it didn’t get in there from our fruit bowl. The best before date on the packet says November 9 and they were imported from France.”

The student disposed of the offensive Braeburn quickly after discovering its larvae content and the rest of the pack soon followed suit. She said that she was “not sure” whether the rest of the apples were infested.

The student said: “They’re sending me a £15 goodwill voucher, which I’m happy with, and the lady I spoke to said that if anything similar happens in future I should call again so that it can be reported to their buying team.”

Sean Hayes

Photo – Leeor Ohayon

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