News | Better Leeds forum promises change

The Union has promised to lobby for the extension of the Edge’s opening hours on weekends and the banning of signing fees.

As a result of students voting at the Better Leeds, Better University and Better Union more vegan food will be on offer in Union shops and the it will fight payday lenders.

The idea submitted to change the title of the Exec’s ‘Union Affairs Officer’ to ‘President’ failed.

An idea submitted for the Union to campaign against trivialisation of sexual assault by nightclubs is set to be voted on by students across campus.

Third year History student, Freya Potter, told LS: “I was disappointed the idea didn’t pass but I’m confident the student body will vote for it in the referendum.”

The Better Leeds idea for the Union to campaign against the introduction of NHS fees for international students has also gone to referendum. Emma Friend, who submitted the idea to the good opportunity for students to campaign and I would encourage anyone who is passionate about this issue to do so.”

All three of the ideas put forward at the Better University Forum were approved unanimously. Along with the Union lobbying for the Edge to stay open until 9pm at the weekend and for a second prayer room to be made near the Parkinson building.

The next Better Ideas Forum will be held November 25 – 27.

Carina Derhalli


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