News | Met cricketer's mysterious death resolved

The tragic death of a Leeds Metropolitan student was caused by a sudden arrhythmic death syndrome, a second post mortem has found.

Thomas Hardman, a final year Sports Science student was discovered dead by his housemate last November. He was found in his bed at his house on Ash Road, Headingley, five days before the high flying student’s 22nd birthday.

The reason for Hardman’s death was initially recorded as being unknown by Dr Lisa Barker of St James Hospital.

Following a second opinion from a cardiac pathology specialist, coroner David Hinchcliff stated that the third year’s sudden death would have been caused by “electrical impulses that keep the heart beating [becoming] deranged.”

Hardman is described as a gifted cricketer, playing for Met’s Marylebone Cricket Club University (MCCU) team. Previous graduates from the team include former England captain Andrew Strauss.

The scheme allows talented cricketers to receive top level coaching whilst also studying for a degree.

Hardman had been named captain for the 2013 season for the Leeds/Bradford MCCU.

Isabelle Alderson Blench

Photo: Leo Garbutt

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