Features | Edgy Girl Leeds: "If you're not living on the edge, then you're taking up too much room"

With over 5,000 Twitter followers and nearly 200,000 blog hits, this self-proclaimed ex-home counties girl has gained herself a big internet presence in Leeds. But who really is Edgy Girl? And will we ever know?


You’ve gained somewhat of a presence on Twitter, now with over 5,000 followers. How and why did Edgy Girl Leeds first begin?

It’s actually my personal account, but for some reason people think it’s a parody account. Edgy Girl is in fact my Christian name; it’s Scandinavian for ‘looks homeless’. I guess people just follow me for a source of edgespiration.


When do you think you’ll give up the edgy lifestyle?

Probably as soon as I’ve graduated from my Sociology degree.


What are your three top tips for any budding edgy girls out there?

1.Bindis are not just for Hindus

2. Nike Airs are not just for the poor

3. And finally facial piercings do not make you instantly unattractive.


What’s the most non-edgy thing a person can do? What’re the worst clothes to wear?

Buy first hand clothing and not listen to house music or dab illicit substances on the reg.


Apart from yourself of course, who is the edgiest person you’ve ever met?

I once saw this really edgy guy on my way back from a night out at Fabric in London. He was sat on the floor of the Underground wearing a holey Reebok jumper and some Nike Air’s. I really regret not asking him what Vintage store he got them from.


What are your favourite items of edgy clothing?

One of my vintage sportswear garms. Either my Nike tie-dye sweatshirt or my Adidas tie-dye sweatshirt, I couldn’t possibly pick, they’re both so different!


Is there ever a time when you’re not being edgy? What about your family, are they aware of your rebellious ways and edgy lifestyle?

Out of term time is when I lose my edge, it’d be hard to explain to my parents as to why I need so much tranquiliser seeing as though we no longer keep horses. Back in Surrey you’ll only catch me wearing Jack Wills gilets.


Where are the edgiest places to go in Leeds?

Well I tend to spend a lot of my spare time sidestepping with the edgy elite around abandoned warehouses in industrial areas on the outskirts of Leeds. But a dark corner in the basement at Beaverworks is probably the edgiest place to go.


What’s your opinion on Fruity?

I have been known to frequent Fruity once in a while. My love for the 90s doesn’t just end at double denim, I also really like some of the artists and bands from that decade. So seeing as you won’t hear No Doubt at Canal Mills I sometimes head to Stylus to have a boogie to tunes by the likes of N Sync and S Club 7.


In a previous interview you denied rumours about you and Edgy Boy Leeds, are there any other edgy males in your life?

There’s no Edgy Boy Leeds at the moment, I’m actually still trying to shake off my secret love of rugby boys back from my days growing up in Surrey..


Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What kind of job is edgy enough?

I’d like to set up my own clothing store where I go around charity shops and buy some edgy garms, label them vintage and sell them on for ten times the price.


And finally, what is your mantra for being edgy?

If you’re not living on the edge then you’re taking up too much room.


Twitter: @edgygirlleeds

Blog: edgygirlleeds.wordpress.com


Steph Muldoon

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