Sport | BUCS Netball Summary

Leeds 2s v York St John’s 1s: 27 – 34

The match against York St John’s was always going to be difficult. Yet Leeds opened the first quarter with some excellent attacking play, taking on the defenders and working the ball through their tight zones to convert the turnovers to goal. At the end of the first quarter, Leeds were up by one point.

Sadly the middle section of the game did not reflect the teams ability. After gaining a lead of four consecutive goals in the first five minutes of the second quarter, Leeds buckled under the pressure, ending the second quarter a devastating 7 goals down.

The rest of the game was spent trying to make up the difference. With some excellent defensive play right accross the court, the Gryphons fought hard to close the gap.

But it was not enough, as the final score was 34-27 in favour of York St John’s, a disappointing score in a game which Uni let slip from their grasp.

Leeds 4ths v York 2s: 45 – 30

Match day came around and, after Varsity, Leeds were determined to achieve a massive win over York.

After a successful warm up Uni were raring to go and went all out in the first quarter – Uni finishing just ahead but both teams still fighting hard for the win.

In the second quarter York fought back reducing the deficit to just one point.

The third quarter made the difference for Leeds, as they stormed on ahead. Constant interceptions from Georgie Andes, Alice Ward and Molly Webb and great shooting from Emily Read and India Hayes contributed to a great lead.

In the final quarter Pebbles Allard ensured we maintained our lead with accurate passes into the D – meaning that the fours won their first of hopefully many matches this year.

MOTM  – Emily Read


Leeds 5ths v Leeds Trinity 1s: 33-36

As the 5ths gained promotion this season, everyone had expectations of a tough first match. A shaky start was inevitable having never played together as a team and at the end of the first quarter Leeds were trailing behind Trinity with a score of 4-12. Player combinations were kept the same for the second quarter, but impressive shooting from Trinity increased their lead even further to 12-24.

The start of the third quarter signalled a huge change of pace for the Leeds University girls. Maya Szlachetko and Tarnia Bleasdale came on as GA and WD bringing fresh legs to the court and Onah Ezukanma stepped up to GD making some fantastic interceptions, consequently slowing Trinity’s progress down the court. Some excellent shooting by Molly at GS brought us to within five points of trinity by the end of the quarter (24-29).

Hopes for a win were very high at the beginning of the final quarter. Our girls proved to have much better fitness due to our early morning fitness sessions, especially centre court players Hannah Gee and Zoe Leonard who played the whole game.  We pushed the goal difference to just three but unfortunately were unable to beat Trinity, the score ending 33-36, but some real positives to take from the game.

MOTM – Onah Ezukanma


Leeds 6ths v Bishop Burton 1s: 51-8

The first BUCS match for the 6th team marked the first time Leeds had all played together as a team. Yet, even during the warm up it was clear that the team instantly clicked.

Bishop Burton’s late arrival meant that we thoroughly warmed up and ready to go as soon as they arrived. Bishop Burton won first centre, however the Uni defence was so tight from every single player, that the ball was turned over within seconds.

Claire Seaton and Olivia Russell’s excellent work and communication through the mid court meant keeping possession for the majority of the game and any balls that threatened to enter Bishop Burtons goal third were intercepted by Ellie Wild.

Daisy Beaven’s quick drives and point passes into the circle along with Hope McNultys perfect shooting meant that Uni finished the first half with a lead of 26-2. After a few changes to the team we came out confident and ready to keep up the standard of play. Lucy Scott and Claire Seaton kept the fluidity in the mid court and the team’s energy levels remained high.

Overall defence dropped a little and Burton gained another 6 goals but Belinda Johnston stepped up and intercepted a number of balls at the top of the D which helped to bring the control back. A successful game ended with a 51-8 score and a very happy excited team, bring on next week.

MOTM – Hope McNulty
Sidonie Wilson

Image courtesy of Leeds University

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