News | Students stand up to Tequila

Tequila UK is under investigation following an LS petition to shut the event.

Leeds City Council and West Yorkshire Police have opened investigations into the licensing of the event following a series of complaints.

The release of a video promoting rape continued to cause widespread anger across campus this week, despite an apology from the organisers on Facebook.

FemSoc hosted a protest outside the event last night with approximately 100 people attending. Campaigners chanted “shame on you” as club goers entered the venue, separated by a line of police officers.

The petition currently has over 3,300 signatures and has been sent to Leeds City Council in a formal complaint against the night.

LS spoke to Councillor Neil Walshaw who said: “Short of [rape] being committed, it’s about as serious as it gets for an establishment. It is such a dark subject and any club or promoter should think long and hard before going down this route.”

Tequila’s ‘Freshers Violation’ video was released on Monday of last week but was swiftly removed.

Sean Hayes

Maddy Keating

Photo: Leo Garbutt

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