News | Students forget the Exec

Half of students cannot identify the six Exec members who run the Union, an LS survey reveals.

20 per cent of students could recognise the six elected Union leaders as the Exec without being able to name them individually, while 1 in 4 did not recognise the Exec at all.

When presented with a collection of promotional headshots of the Exec 94 per cent of students could not identify Welfare Officer Charlotte Warner by name, while a total of 88 per cent could not name either Equality and Diversity Officer Emma Friend or Community Officer Frankie O’ Byrne.

Activities Officer Greg Sturge was the most recognised member, with 16 per cent of students able to name him. Union Affairs Officer Bradley Escorcio was the second most recognised, getting named by just over 10 per cent of the students surveyed, while Education Officer Alice Smart followed closely behind with 9 per cent recognition.

The study was carried out in a range of locations on campus, including the Union and the Parkinson Building, and via an online survey. The Union’s marketing campaign includes pictures of the Exec, along with their names and roles, placed prominently across campus.

The Union carries out it own ‘First Impressions’ survey online and last year found 55 per cent of students said they knew who the Exec were.

Sean Hayes

Photo: Jack Scates

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