News | Safer Sex Circus

Leeds RAG has been come under fire over its Safer Sex event following its fallout with Tequila UK.

RAG cut ties with event organisers Tequila over their ‘Fresher’s Violation’ promotional video, removing them as co-hosts for their Safer Sex Circus event that took place on Tuesday. RAG said that the video “was irreconcilable with the message of safer sex and the ethos of Leeds RAG”.

The event was switched to ‘The Warehouse’ despite it hosting a porn themed night. When questioned on the contradiction RAG President, Harry Ellison, stated that the Porno Night was a “completely separate and external event that just happens to be hosted at Warehouse on a completely separate night”.

When asked about its responsibilities towards finding an appropriate venue, the society said it ”cannot be responsible for every event [the venue] has ever held”.

LS also questioned RAG on their promotion of the event in the wake of the Tequila controversy.

RAG President, Harry Ellison, commented: “It’s not a rally event, the full name is The Leeds RAG Safer Sex Circus. It is one of very few club nights that RAG puts on”.

When asked about the promotion of safer sex at the event, Ellison said: “In terms of promoting safer sex, apart from the name of the event and the fact that every penny raised will be donated to Leeds Skyline, we also had Sexpression handing out free condoms and other sexual health products and we had information on the charity and its work available around the venue.

Harriet Earley

Maddy Keating

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