News | Protestors back ban on BAE

Protestors stormed the University’s careers fair on Monday after discovering BAE Systems stall.

The group organised a sit in, handing out information about the company’s arms dealing.

BAE’s presence at the fair directly contradicts a motion passed by students in March which pushed for BAE not be allowed on campus and urging the University to end any financial relationship with them.

The company has previously been fined by the UK and US governments for dealing weapons.

A protestor at the fair told LS: “It is only fair that those searching for a career in that sector have access to both sides of the story and BAE’s continuous involvement in illegal arms dealing and war mongering is a story often left untold.”

Another campaigner stated: “security personnel at the stand physically interacted with the protesters, deliberately grabbed and broke our megaphone and did not hesitate to insult and demean those involved”.

One protestor told LS that when confronted, staff at the stand said: “We don’t pull the trigger”.

Emma Friend, the Union’s Equality and Diversity officer said: “BAE have been the subject of countless charges of corruption. I fully support the rights of students to voice their disdain at the presence of this company at careers fairs. BAE will present an edited version of themselves at these events, so it is justifiable that students should bring up their past and present controversies.”

Natalie Irving

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