News | Police rope off Hyde Park

Woodhouse Moor was the subject of student speculation on Wednesday after a section of the park was cordoned off by police tape in the early hours of the morning, following an allegation of serious sexual assault.

The police tape remained around the scene throughout the day, leading many students to become concerned that a major crime had occurred at the site parallel to Moorland Road, on a foot-path near to the Business and Law schools, and only a short walk away from the centre of campus.

Police at the scene reported when asked that a ‘serious allegation’ had taken place, and it was understood at the time that the scene had been roped off in relation to an allegation of serious sexual assault.

However, after further investigation West Yorkshire Police confirmed that the allegation had been “unsubstantiated” and “as such the investigation into the allegation has been closed.”

The police stated that they “appreciate that reports of offences of this nature understandably cause concern in the community, particularly in the student community given the claimed scene’s proximity to the University.”

They added; “we hope people will be reassured to hear that there was no basis to the report.”

West Yorkshire Police confirmed that their safety advice remained the same as at any other time, and that they encouraged people travelling at night to plan their journey and travel with friends.

Sean Hayes

Photo: Leo Garbutt

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