News | Students submit ideas to improve campus

Ideas submitted by students for changing the city and campus include longer opening hours at the Edge, an end to discrimination against women in nightclubs and lockers in the Union building.

The ideas are set to be voted on in a forum on October 28 when a panel of 16 randomly selected students will decide whether these ideas will make the Union, University or city of Leeds better.

One idea submitted in the Better Union category is to change the title of the Student Exec’s Union Affairs Officer to President. Bradley Escorcio, who currently holds the position, told LS: “While I’d agree Union Affairs is quite an ambiguous title, the appropriateness of President is still up for debate.”

Other ideas in this category include providing more vegan food and adding more gluten-free products to the Essentials meal deal.

The Better University category featured ideas such as adding a second prayer room on campus, making the VLE and UniLeeds apps available for Windows Phones and campaigning for a system of postgraduate loans and bursaries.

The Better Leeds category, which encourages the Union to lobby on wider issues to do with the local community, includes suggestions to ban letting fees, a campaign against the introduction of NHS fees for international students and opposing pay day and high interest credit lenders.

A student panel must reach a 75 per cent consensus either way, or a campus-wide vote will decide whether the ideas will pass.

Giovanni Da Costa

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