News | 24 hour library access for exam periods

The Edward Boyle library will now be open 24 hours a day over exam periods.

Education Officer Alice Smart said that following a trial earlier this year “the feedback from students has been overwhelmingly positive.”

Third year English Language student Aaron Carr commented: “24 hour library access is always going to be an advantage for students. The exam period is a time when loads of students want to stay at uni overnight.”

However, concerns have been raised regarding the potential effect on student health. Welfare Officer Charlotte Warner advises students “When taking advantage of the 24 hour library service you should always ensure that you are looking after yourself by eating well and getting enough sleep. Abnormal sleeping patterns and over working could affect the quality of work you produce.”

To avoid potential safety issues, students staying late are encouraged to use the Union’s Nightbus service, which will take students to their doorstep for just £1.

In response to these concerns, Smart told LS: “as a Union we are concerned about students. We do not encourage students to overwork themselves during exam time.” The Union are planning a ‘space to relax’ to counteract the stress during exams.

Some students are still calling for 24 hour library opening hours throughout the year. Sara Rose Roberts, a third year Politics student, said: “we need 24 hour libraries all year round. When I have essays they usually end up being all-nighters and the 24 hour computer clusters are horrible.”

Smart informed LS that keeping the libraries open 24 hours throughout the year may not be possible due to “financial constraints of the University’s budget.”

Michelle Heinrich

Carina Derhalli

Photo: Jack Fox

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