Fashion I Vau Vau Q&A

As an army of models led by the stunning Alysha Nett strutted down a runway of glimmering lanterns, we soaked up the VIP lifestyle; popping bottles of cava to the sounds of Iggy Azelia and eliphino.

The gals certainly didn’t hold back, rocking a range of edgy ensembles with oodles of attitude and the tattoos to match. Highlights include flowing silk kimonos, Aztec printed peplums with structured shoulders and billowing high-waisted flares set off with sky-high studded Jeffrey Campbells.
As for the guys, it was all about personality – turned up drainpipe skinnies, doc martins and printed shirts collared shirts (soon to be removed – lucky us!)
The show certainly reached a climax which was as raunchy as it was eerie – head-to-toe latex, skin tight bodices accessorized by bird cages… all to the sounds of a children’s music box. We’re not quite sure it was campus-worthy, but it certainly had our head’s turning!
What inspired/influenced your direction for Vau Vau?
Vau Vau isn’t just about garments, it’s about how to wear them. It’s about fun, unpretentious presentation and forward thinking. It’s an energetic style celebration which I think suits the spirit of the independent designers of Leeds, and the young population of the city. There is too much talent and fun here not to throw an all out party for it once in a while.
What was the highlight of your night?My boy Jake Chatterton carrying Alysha Nett down the runway. Leeds meets Los Angeles!
Any talk of Vau Vau Part 3 yet?
It’s the only thing on our minds! Give us 6 month minimum until the next Vau Vau, but I doubt it will be long at all before we throw another party.
What was your favourite look of the night?
The latex. It’s such an awesome fabric for forward thinking fashion. I loved the lilac latex dress and jacket combo from Blue Rinse that was worn by Claudia, and the pastel latex doll outfit that Vauhaus’ Tessa wore in the finale. I was also crazy about the mickey mouse/vegas style outfits by Claire Baxter. I want Leeds to evolve into a city where I can rock that kind of stuff on a night out.
You’ve just started Vauhaus agency, set up here in Leeds. What do you think of Leeds’ fashion scene as a whole?
I think it’s a fantastic northern hub, as Manchester is for music. The constant turnover of young people bounce off each other, and are constantly looking for style inspiration. The Vauhaus gang travel to London often, but we need a northern fashion capital. Leeds is perfectly capable of becoming that, and doing the North of England proud.
What 3 words would you use to describe Vau Vau.
Enchantment. Innovation. Personality.
Olivia Lowden
Photos: Andrew Towers

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