News | Leeds RAG drop Tequila as Safer Sex Circus sponsors

Leeds RAG has dropped Tequila as sponsors for their Safer Sex Circus.

The move comes after the club night came under fire for its ‘Tequila Freshers Violation’ video, which appeared to condone rape and sexual violence.

The Safer Sex Circus is an annual event held by Leeds Rag to raise money for AIDs charities and promote safe sex.

Leeds RAG released a statement about their decision on Facebook, saying: “Unfortunately, due to the events of this week Leeds RAG will no longer be collaborating with Tequila on Tuesday’s Safer Sex Circus. We feel the footage released on Monday night was irreconcilable with the message of safer sex and the ethos of Leeds RAG.”

Students on Twitter have applauded the move, with former Union Affairs Officer Ant Haddley stating he was “proud” of the society.


LS is petitioning for Mezz to cease hosting Tequila on a Thursday, and urges all students who disagree with their forms of promotion to sign below:

Caris Shekell


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