Sport | Varsity – Professional edge gives Met Basketball victory

Facing a Leeds Met side at the ‘Arena’ that benefit from a professional programme and funding was always going to be a tough task but a veteran Uni team were determined not to let their under dog status undermine their ability.

Uni started the game off brightly, showing great ball distribution and execution with Joe Copper demonstrating great attacking prowess, attacking the rim and making sure his presence was felt in the paint. The first quarter saw Uni trail after Met found their rhythm, attacking down both the wings and in the paint. Uni, under sized and overpowered, continued to fight against a powerful Met side. Jack Macdonald was instrumental, draining deep threes throughout the game whilst experienced point guard, Tommy Morland pulled the strings, orchestrating attacks and organising the defence. Uni continued to match Met at every possible opportunity, trailing Met at the half 54-45.

Met, after a lengthy preseason looked sharp, increasing the tempo in the third quarter against a tiring Uni side. Chris McGinnity fought hard inside the paint and epitomised the Uni spirit and determination. Met also took advantage of their deep rotation punishing Uni on fast breaks. Uni remained competitive and high in spirits revelling in the duel against a frustrated Met side. Dubious referring however restricted Uni’s ability to claw back any further with Uni still trailing at the end of the third quarter.

The fourth quarter saw a depleted Uni side trail to the superior squad depth and fitness of a well drilled Met team as Uni struggled to combat the athleticism and talent of Met’s foreign imports eventually falling 106-65. Despite the loss Uni looked well organised and composed with the influx of new players adding to a talented squad. The forthcoming season will be interesting with the team looking forward to a promotion push after a very positive display despite the apparent heavy loss.

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