Fashion I LSi Reviews – Lush Spa

So last weekend something wonderful happened. I was invited to a press appointment at Lush Spa to try out their new ‘Sound Bath’ £65; an offer I obviously couldn’t refuse. I’d always known Lush as a beauty shop (albeit a freaking awesome one) but the Lush Spa itself took the brand to a whole new level of beautification. Let me tell you why…
Arriving slightly early for my appointment, I had a quick flick through the testers. The staff were so warm and approachable which really made me feel comfortable. It wasn’t long until my therapist, the lovely Hannah, welcomed me down to the spa itself. There was a kitchen, two treatment rooms and a toilet for customers which made the place really feel like home! Hannah poured me some fancy tea and explained what to expect. 
As soon as I walked into the treatment room, I felt relaxed… I could get used to this! Hannah explained that each space is prepped for the treatment the customer is receiving. For the Sound Bath, there was a cool blue ambience which really helped set the mood. Hannah began with a hot stone facial where she smoothed stones over my skin to create a warm, tingly sensation. She then started on the ear therapy which involves lighting two ear candles – things were beginning to heat up! These candles were placed in each ear which cleansed and restored balance. Next, I had a head massage – something that doesn’t need much of an introduction. After the massage, Hannah started on the cold stone facial which basically left me feeling like a new woman! At the end of the treatment, Hannah made me homemade lemonade to discuss the treatment so I didn’t feel rushed away. What a nice touch!
Hannah took the time to explain the process before and after the treatment; something which many other therapists don’t take the time to do. The decor of the rooms helped to encourage relaxation of the mind as well as the body; a good de-stress process. But, of course, all that glitters is not gold. During the head massage there was a concentration on the top part of my head rather than the whole area – slightly annoying! I also found my hair was left greasy with excess oil residue from the hot stone facial which is, of course, never a good look! More disturbing was having to exit through the business of the shop itself, but only because the spa felt so separate from the real world. Even so, the cons didn’t come close to outweighing the pros. So was Lush Spa any more special than others I’d been to before? Well obviously, it was lush! 
Get yourself down for a much needed pampering session to blitz that Freshers Flu away!
31 Commercial Street
Tel: 0113 243 3626
Rosie Jones

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