News | Tesco rips student's artwork

An Art Design student has described how her work was ripped while on loan to Tesco.

Third year student, Natalie Winwood, allowed the painting to be displayed at a Tesco Express on Boar Lane for their opening evening but when she returned to pick up the artwork she found it ripped.

The painting came third place in Britain’s Got Artist’s competition and was up on display in Edward Boyle last year.

According to an organiser of the show, and one of Windwood’s friends, the Manager of the Tesco Express had expressed an interest in buying the painting prior to the incident. Winwood allowed the store to temporarily keep the art work, after being told it was in a safe location at the front of the store. Miss Winwood was further assured that there would be a security guard present near it at all times during the store’s opening hours.

When Winwood returned to check on the painting she was informed it had been damaged and offered £100 compensation. The manager told her that even giving her that much would “be a push”.

He went on to say that Miss Winwood could “take [her] painting home and never speak of it again.”

The issue remains unresolved.

Maddy Keating

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