Review – Moschino Hoe Boats and Hoes party

Photo: Joe Brook

“We’re not making any profit on this, we just thought this would be such a laugh”, were the words from the Birmingham boys running Moschino Hoe, one of Leeds most worshiped Hip Hop & R’n’B nights as we boarded a rusty barge docked next to the Royal Armouries.

As we chug down the River Aire Mo Ho’s fellow Birmingham associates Troumaca take to the DJ decks with Sam Baylis opening the night with a vintage Hip Hop set. As we pass the residential areas the sound-system gets switched up a gear to a mix of the vocals from Damian Marley’s, ‘Welcome to Jamrock’ and Dead Prez’s, ‘It’s Bigger than Hip Hop’. You can feel the bass vibrating through the entire boat and I start to wonder what the fishes make of it.

In this intimate, one off setting there is a unique atmosphere on board and the energy has started to grow. I spy guys with dreadlocks gyrating and throwing up gun finger salutes whilst crying “Jamaica Jamaica”, with other club nights in Leeds its often hard to tell how the new wave of freshers will affect the crowds but when it comes to Hip Hop nights some things just never change.

As the night goes on and members of Troumaca leave and take to the decks, the air is filled with Soul, R’n’B and House classics. Apart from arriving back to the docks of Leeds at quite an awkward, early time for those not going to the Moschino Hoe after-party at The Garage the night is a triumph. Check out the official Moschino Hoe Facebook group for more information on upcoming events HERE and have a listen to this R’n’B Moschino Mix.

James Andersen



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