Film | You're Next – Fighting Back

About half an hour into You’re Next, the couple sitting across from me in the cinema walked out, loudly declaring as they reached the exit, ‘Crap!’ I’m going to go out on a limb and disagree. Sporting one of the best trailers this year, I had high hopes for this slasher flick that promised a twist on the classic home invasion scenario. Adam Wingard had already impressed with V/H/, so in my mind, the stage was set for something great. Sure enough, what starts off as a mindless slaughtering at a family’s anniversary dinner quickly develops into a twisted black comedy at its very best, arguably reminiscent of Scream.


The film also benefits from having an utterly compelling heroine who audiences can really invest in. Erin, played by Step Up 3D’s Sharni Vinson, is everything we hope we’d be if we ever found ourselves in a horror film situation: a total badass. It’s incredibly refreshing to not be thinking ‘Don’t do that! That’s exactly what the killer wants you to do!’ for once. What really sets this film apart from its rivals is the fact the girl gets to fight back.

Knock knock: You're Next
Knock knock: You’re Next

Providing an antidote to the endless summer of sequels and animated vehicles gracing the cinema screens, You’re Next ranks as one of the best horror flicks this year, up there with Evil Dead and The Conjuring.  Granted, there are a few things about the story that don’t quite add up, or could do with more expansion, but plot development in a horror movie is as rare as a bad Daniel Day Lewis film. It’s the impossible dream. Still, You’re Next is a treat for horror fans. It’s violent and funny, with a few ingenious twists and one undoubtedly creative use of a kitchen implement.

4 Stars


Hannah Woodhead

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