Leeds MP brands student a “shit” in gay marriage twitter row

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Local MP Greg Mulholland has apologised after describing one of his student constituents as a “little shit” after being challenged over his position on gay marriage.

Responding to a constituent who questioned the MPs support of equal marriage, Mulholland tweeted that “I am very glad I have never met you Jonathan as you are a disingenuous, manipulative, illiberal little shit”.

Tweeting to the LibDem MP, Leeds student Jonathan Pryor wrote: “after abstaining, voting for a wrecking amendment, then trying to abolish marriage, i’m glad @GregMulholland1 finally voted the right way”.

Later, the LibDem MP clarified his use of language, but did not appear to fully withdraw the comment, saying “I shouldn’t have called him little that was wrong whether he is or not. The rest, true.”

The tweet in question followed last night’s landmark vote in the House of Commons, where MPs passed the final stage of the marriage (same sex couples) bill before going to the House of Lords for final approval.

Mulholland claims that not only has he been subject to much dishonest misinterpretation over his position on gay marriage, but he also that he has been verbally “abused” and branded a “wanker” and “a bigot”.

Whilst the MP claims he has always supported equal state recognition for all couples, and indeed voted yesterday to support equal marriage, many on Twitter have argued that Mr Mulholland’s views have been less than clear.

Mulholland has since apologised, saying “I was of course wrong to call him a shit. I did so because of the anger I felt at the way I was being misrepresented”.

Responding in a later tweet, incoming LUU Communities Officer Frankie O’Byrne said “I’d hope that @GregMulholland1 would keep calling students ‘little shits’ to a minimum… Regardless of what may have been said, your remarks were extremely inappropriate. No-one should feel attacked by their rep”.

Leeds Student understands that a formal complaint may be made to the Liberal Democrats over the behaviour of the MP.

Greg Mulholland was elected as Liberal Democrat MP for the constituency of Leeds North West, representing the popular student areas of Headingley, parts of Hyde Park and Burley.

James Greenhalgh

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