University considers £10 library fines


The library is considering raising fines to as much as £10 a day, this newspaper can reveal.

In a statement to Leeds Student, the University confirmed that it is considering a new range of daily fines for items that have been recalled, ranging from £2 up to £10.

The potential rises come alongside a change to the way users borrow books and are fined. As of August, fines will only be incurred on books requested by other students.

In an online survey, respondents were asked “what fines would make you return [a] book?” and “what fine do you think would bring [a] book back so that you can use it?”, with five options, from £2 to £10 per day.

Currently, fines are 20p per day for most books.

In the statement, the University said that the new fine level “needs to be high enough to ensure the return of the item so that the next person gets to use it.”

Commenting on the proposed fine increases, Education Officer Josh Smith conceded that “£10 a day would be too much.”

“When thinking about how much the fine should be, it’s important to look at it from the point of view of the student has not yet had access to the item, and needs it for their work. These changes are all about better circulation of library items and everyone getting fair access to them.”

The University has become infamous in recent years for its high library fines. Last year, Leeds was found to have taken more than £1.8 million from late borrowers since 2004, the highest such figure in the country.

Words: Max Bruges

Photo: Leo Garbutt

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