Hikers’ memorial climb

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The Union’s Hiking Society has completed a charity hike in the Lake District in memory of their member who died last semester.

Graham Connell, a former postgraduate student, died whilst leading a group of hikers on a hill walk in the Cairngorms.

The society climbed to the top of Belncathra mountain on Saturday to raise money for the Cairngorm Mountain Rescue Team, who helped search for the group who got lost in hazardous weather conditions.

Emma Bryning, the society’s secretary, said “The Blencathra hike was a fitting memorial for a long-standing member and great friend of LUUHC.” She added “A large group of his family and friends had a brilliant day hiking in the sun in order to both remember Graham in the outdoors environment he loved and raise money for the CMRT who so bravely helped our friends in the Cairngorms.”

Former members of the society and Graham’s family joined over 100 walkers to climb Graham’s favourite mountain. The society’s President, Madi Ceirios Farrar, said “It was a perfect day to remember our great friend Graham. The club is proud to have raised over £5,500 for the Cairngorm Mountain Rescue Team, and would like to thank everyone who kindly donated.”

The society’s fundraising page will be open for donations until July 20.

Words: Sabrina Poole

Photo: photo : Ossian Auckland-Child

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