Edge staff put on Spin cycle

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Last Wednesday staff at the Edge got on their bikes in a bid to raise £18, 000 for charity.

Students and staff battled each other in the Super Spin-a-thon to see who could cycle the furthest in an hour, with the winner being treated to tops signed by the Brownlee brothers.

23 people booked in for the challenge in advance, cycling a distance of 1191.2km in total with 733km completed by Edge staff. All participants donated £10 to Aspire, a spinal injury charity.

Though staff put in a valiant effort, the students excelled, with the men’s prize resulting in a tie between Matthew Fuller and Todd Stewart who both cycled 41.4km. The women’s race was won by Aimee Lewis with an equally outstanding score of 34.7km with Caroline Race right on her tail with 33.6km.

The event raised £324 for Aspire, helping the Edge to move towards its target. The next challenge will be for a team of six from the Edge to conquer the Channel.

Words and Photo: Nick Gandy

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