Dance | Once Upon a Time

4/5 stars

Riley Smith Hall, LUU

February 27- March 2


They say that variety is the spice of life, and Leeds University Union’s Dance Show 2013 was certainly a testament to that. A total of eleven dance societies came together, and the result was a charming string of delightful surprises, each performance showcasing creativity, skill and humour, as well as show-stopping costumes and lighting.

The theme ‘Once Upon A Time’ was a treat for the audience, enabling a variety of fun and inventive interpretations. The talent on display was especially noteworthy given that each society is student-run, with students taking on a myriad of responsibilities like teaching, performing in shows and competing in competitions across the country.

The Street Dance society made a fantastic impression, throwing some truly irresistible shapes to infectious, pounding rhythms, particularly noticeable in ‘Monster’ with its awesome mash-up featuring Lady Gaga. The Cheer society also gave a tight and wonderfully eccentric performance with a remix of The Sugar Plum Fairy, which was followed by the mesmerising Belly Dancers, whose control and excellent timing was evident in both of their hypnotic performances.

The Spanish, Latin American and Portuguese society really pulled the stops out with a three-sided affront of Salsa, Samba and Reggaeton, the intoxicating, unrelenting rhythm of the Samba contrasting brilliantly with the frankly sizzling Reggaeton. The Tap society also excelled with an expertly arranged 1950s throwback, and both Jazz dances were tight, bombastic and striking, ending the show on a scorching note.

A real stand-out was the fantastic Circus society, whose original performance was eccentric and spontaneous, aided by dazzling lighting and a display of impressive circus skills like hula hooping and unicycling. The Ballet society’s ‘Phantom of the Opera’ was absolutely spell-binding, with stunning blue and white costumes, beautiful lighting and elegant, magical dancing.

Overall each society demonstrated remarkable talent and vision.


words: Frances Black

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