Student seeks compensation from Council


Leeds Council

A student has submitted a claim to the Council after breaking his leg in an uncovered manhole. Second year Product Design student, George Warner, fractured his fibia falling down a manhole on Ebberston Terrace during the snow.

“I was walking home in the week when it was really snowy and walked over a grass verge at the bottom of Ebberston Terrace.” The snow hid the defected manhole, which Warner injured himself on: “It was a couple of feet deep, my right leg was left on the surface which probably twisted and resulted in the break.”

Warner described how he “hobbled home” before going to A&E where his leg was put it in a cast. The student was told he would have to wear the cast for six weeks to heal the break: “At first I couldn’t get into Uni as the snow and crutches was a bad combination. I only went in after the swelling had stopped. We will see in the results whether it has hindered me [academically]!”

The manhole has now been sealed. Warner has made a claim for damages against the Council, who he believes to be responsible. “I do expect some financial compensation but I’m not sure how much the Council is willing to offer.”

A spokesperson from Leeds City Council described the process with a claim of this nature: “This incident would go to our highways department for them to produce a report and then it would then be sent to our insurers for them to look at.”

They were unable to comment on liability or the specific claim. Warner is still awaiting a response from the Council.

Words: Ellie Parkes

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