Alternative Easter Eggs: the eggsposé


Nestlé’s offerings to combat the mighty Mini Egg are their MILKYBAR or SMARTIES adaptations. Why anyone would want to add a hard sugar shell coating to white chocolate is a mystery to me; so the former was a saccharine snarl up. The latter are a touch less lacklustre, but really only worth a whirl if you like giant smarties. However the orange ones, naturally, I must exclude from this; the hint of citrus is nothing short of a delight.

Galaxy stick their oar in with a BUBBLES egg. This did not float like a butterfly or sting like a bee; instead it was thick and dense. Would you get bubbles in a deliciously blended soup or a smooth creamy moisturiser? No you would not; play to your strengths, Galaxy. Admittedly they do this with their CARAMEL equivalent, though it’s more stodgy than their classic hit bar. If they want to pursue the effervescent route, perhaps they should take notes from AERO LAMB. Though the packaging is underwhelming, almost tumour like, it is a dark horse, or sheep, indeed. Sizeable and delicious. Well played.

Across the farmyard, the LINDT BUNNY reclines in a luxurious bed of golden jingling snuggled up with Roger Federer. But perhaps this miniature version is a little too delicate and refined? Whilst unquestionably delicious, a thicker coat would not have gone amiss. And nipping at its regal fluffy tail is its MALTEASTER cousin; unpretentious, inexplicably both creamy and crunchy and fantastic dunked in tea, this rabbit might soon be the one to be caught in the headlights, er, limelight.

Yet you can’t argue with a classic; something that Cadbury’s has cottoned on to with their EGG ‘N’ SPOON. They’re cool enough to abbreviate ‘and’ but also package up their marvel mousses in a traditional purple egg box, complete with (non-edible) spoons. It makes for a most enjoyable snack; crack off the top to scoop out fluffiness akin to melting chocolate ice-cream. Fun.


words: Anna Foster

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