Student sexually assaulted in city centre

dumcombe street

A student has been the victim of a serious sexual assault. Police are seeking three men in relation to the incident.

The assault took place in the early hours of Saturday morning, after a night out in the city centre.

The 19-year-old had been at the nightclub Warehouse, but became separated from her friends soon after midnight.

The assault happened close to the club, where a footbridge over the A58 meets Duncombe Street and Fountain Street.

A police spokesperson said: “We would like to speak to anyone who saw a girl in the company of three men in the area around Somers Street and the Warehouse nightclub, the nearby site of the old Leeds International Swimming Pool and the footbridge over the A58 to Duncombe Street and Fountain Street in the early hours of Saturday.”

West Yorkshire Police describe the first suspect as chubby with short brown hair around 5ft 3” in height and aged in his twenties. The second male is thought to be tall with short hair and also in his twenties. The third male is described as average height with short hair. All three are thought to have spoken with an Eastern European accent.

The Union’s Welfare Officer Katie Siddall told Leeds Student: “I am saddened to hear what happened last weekend, I would encourage those who are out at night in Leeds to avoid walking home, avoid dimly lit areas and try to stay with friends where you can. If you find yourself stuck without money and unable to get home, Amber Cars will take you home in exchange for your Leeds student card.”

The victim of the assault is currently receiving specialist support from West Yorkshire Police.

Anyone with information should call West Yorkshire Police’s homicide and major enquiry team on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously and in confidence, on 0800 555 111.

Words: Sean Hayes

Image: ITV

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