Get a slice of RAG’s cash

RAG Bucket

Societies are being given a chance to get a slice of RAG’s Community fund this week.

Profits from efforts like naked calendars and collection tins in Essentials are put into the fund, which can be bid for by societies that have a community charity project.

This year the libraries have also donated a whopping £14, 000 to the fund.

RAG’s Secretary, Grace Winter, and Sophie Seager, Fundraising Manager, said: “This is a great chance to make a positive impact in the Leeds community. This kind of opportunity for student societies doesn’t come up very often. We welcome applications from any societies that make a positive impact in Leeds.”

All societies have to do to be given a grant is ‘bid’ for it by explaining why they think they deserve the cash and how they would use it to help people, students or locals, in Leeds. They can even request a specific amount of money for a project they have in mind.

Last year £23,000 was dished out to societies and charities in Leeds, including Nightline, Action and Homed.

The money was used for a range of projects including using left over food from supermarkets to cook meals for the Leeds community, working with the elderly and with those suffering from serious illnesses.

Grants range from £250 to £1,000 and application forms are available by e-mailing All applications must be sent in by March 1.

Successful applicants will be notified on March 4 and invited to a presentation ceremony in May.

Words: Rehema Figueiredo

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