Kosher food to be sold in Union


A proposal that the Union should sell Kosher food to cater for Jewish students has been passed unanimously.

The panel voted at a Better Union Forum on Monday for the idea to go ahead. However, Performance societies were concerned that the change would cost too much, adding that it would be a “slippery slope” to attempt to cater for all minorities at the University.

Union Affairs Officer, Antony Haddley, was keen to voice his support for the motion:

“In my eyes, cost is irrelevant. This is about looking after all the students at this University”, he said.

An idea previously described as “undemocratic” by students was also passed at the forum.

The panel voted 13-2 for the enactment of the proposal that Better Union Forums should be deferred if less than two ideas are put forward, unless they are considered urgent.

One student said that the change “sets a precedent that will further hinder democracy in the Union”.

Haddley made the request in a bid to save money, as each forum costs the Union £345 to run.

At every forum, 15 randomly selected students are paid to participate. This cost was one of the main reasons cited by Haddley for the amendment.

A second-year English student commented, “It sounds like a sensible way to allocate the Union’s limited resources.”

The idea “Should there be a second-hand bookshop in the Union?” will also be going to referendum.

Words: Ellie Parkes

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