Album Review: Foals – Holy Fire


The new album from Foals, Holy Fire, is a bit of a mixed bag- it just doesn’t have that sense of wholeness and coherence that their previous albums offered, and at first comes across a bit confused. The staccato guitar riffs and hazy vocals which are characteristically Foals appear dotted throughout the album, but are intertwined with various influences in different songs. While one track ‘Inhaler’ incorporates heavy punk style guitars (not particularly successfully), the recently released single ‘My Number’ is decidedly poppy. They say variety is the spice of life, and at least with this album Foals aren’t in danger of becoming samey. Highlights of the album include ‘Everytime’, which is charged with emotion and has the ebb and flow of a classic Foals hit with a catchy chorus, whilst ‘Milk & Black Spiders’ boasts haunting vocals and a swelling crescendo. This is one of the many tracks on the album which possesses the intensity and energy to suggest that it would be really good when performed live. A live show which incorporating their old material with tracks off this new album could be fantastic, and Foals fans who are dedicated enough to give this record a good few listens despite the initial muddled impression it gives will be rewarded with an album which contains some real gems.


Label: Warner Bros


Words: Rachel Baker

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