Marathon girls honored

bereaved students award

Two Leeds students have been named ‘Fundraisers of the Year’ by road safety charity Brake. Georgia Mann and Sophie Macrae raised over £19,000 running the London Marathon April last year.

Speaking to Leeds Student about the marathon, Mann said, “It was so overwhelming, the atmosphere was incredible. I’d love to run another, but it kills your body – I’ve still got blisters!”

Both Mann and Macrae began their involvement with Brake after being personally affected by traffic accidents. Two years ago, Mann’s father, Edward, was killed in a car crash near Stowupland, Suffolk, after driving into the back of lorry parked in a layby on the A14.

Sophie lost her sister, Henrietta, in a collision in 2002. Mann’s mother Clare has also been lobbying government to ensure greater road safety in the UK.

Upon receiving the award Georgia said, “It’s vital that organisations like Brake continue to campaign to make roads safer.”

She added, “I was very proud to be able to fundraise in memory of my dad, I kind of always wanted to do it and then obviously what happened made me think ‘I want to do something’.”

“I think he would be really proud of me. I think he would just be in awe. What I do wish is that he could just know.”

Words: Harry Davies

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