Leadership race kicks off


A record number of students have nominated themselves to run the Union. Students having been putting themselves forward since December for one of the six Student Executive roles: Activities Officer, Education Officer, Union Affairs Officer, Community Officer, Welfare Officer and Equality and Diversity Officer.

The Union has confirmed that 63 people are running for the jobs. The number of candidates in last year’s Leadership Race was 61.

Speaking to the Leeds Student, Community officer Ben Fisher said “the leadership race this year has attracted an even more diverse range of candidates, and I really look forward to seeing people’s manifestos and listening to the debate about the way the Union should be run in the coming years”.

Many candidates started their campaigns before the list of candidates had been officially announced, with posters appearing all around the Union Building. When asked about what differences the 2013 Leadership Race would have with previous years, Union Affairs officer Antony Haddley said that this year’s aim is to achieve upwards of 12,000 votes. Voting polls will open on March 4.

Words: Sean Hayes

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