10 tips to make your food last longer: stop being a serial shopper


Have you ever been frustrated that your food seems to disappear quickly? Or that it’s gone off before you’ve eaten it? I know I have, but it’s led me to think up a few handy hints which I’m about to unravel.

1. Never go shopping when you are hungry. You will buy too much and the wrong stuff. So have a wee munch before you hit the shelves.


2. Buy a lemon, slice it up, put the pieces in a tub and put it into the freezer. It leaves you with instant ice cold lemon to go in your drink and you don’t even have to wash up a knife!

3. Pop your spring onions in a cup of water in the fridge – not only does this keep them fresh and make your fridge look brilliantly jungle-like, but they actually continue growing so they last for longer!


4. Whizz up some olive oil with fresh mint and seasoning and pour over some greenery. It’ll bring to life any uninspiring sandwich or leftovers so you won’t have to chuck them out.

5. To save money, always make your food flavoursome by adding herbs or spices. This way you’re left more satisfied and you won’t feel the need to feed 5 minutes later.


6. Freeze your bread and just take out a slice out when you need it.

7. To make a soup or stew a bit more filling or to feed some more mouths, add bulgar wheat or couscous to the pan while its cooking and allow it to absorb the liquid.


8. Keep your potatoes in the dark to stop them growing shoots and going green.

9. Never waste the juices and bones from a roast. Make a stock (put an onion, pepper, salt, a carrot and a celery stick with water in a pan with the leftovers and boil for an hour) and then use to make a cheap, healthy soup. You can then freeze it to use when you please…two meals out of one and no waste.


10. When your fresh herbs are about to go droopy, put them in a freezer bag and freeze. You can then use them as dry herbs in your cooking but they still retain their fresh taste!



Words: Tash Straker

Image: mlle-fanatik

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