Gym users on the Edge


Students have expressed their anger over lengthy queues and insufficient space in the gym at the Edge sports centre.

Gym-goers complained of queuing, with up to five people waiting for each machine at peak times. On Wednesday alone, nine of the cardio machines in the fitness centre were out of use.

Despite being stretched to capacity, the Edge is currently trying to recruit even more students to join.

With some students paying as much as £253 for annual membership, several Edge patrons told Leeds Student of their dissatisfaction with the service provided:

“I spend so much money on my membership and I get to the changing room and there are no lockers, I get upstairs and there are no machines, and then when I finally get on a machine, there are two people hovering over me waiting to take my place”, complained Maddie Palacz, third-year History student.

“It’s a joke. I’ve actually upgraded my membership so I can go when it’s less busy”, said one third-year International Relations student, adding that there were even people queuing at the turn-stiles before the entrance.

For keen gym-goers like rower Nick Gandy, the Edge’s inability to cope with the influx of customers has hindered his exercise regime: “I have to do a certain amount exercise every week. It’s just really annoying when I can’t actually get to the machines I need. Since we’ve been back, it’s been a zoo in there.”

A second-year Textiles student was particularly enraged: “It’s so frustrating as I’ve been to the gym on two occasions and had to leave both times because there wasn’t a single machine free. I’m paying every month for something I can’t use unless I go at inconvenient times.”

A spokesman from the Edge explained the reasons for the current problems: “The Edge is typically at its busiest during January and February, it is no different this year where we are experiencing high volumes of usage.”

He continued: “Last week there was an electrical fault in the gym which resulted in three pieces of equipment being out of action for three days, this has now been resolved…we are in discussions with our supplier as to how time [taken to repair the machines] could be reduced due to the high volume of usage we are currently experiencing.”

Words: Ellie Parkes

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