Flooding in Lyddon Halls dampens spirits

lyddon hall flooding

Residents of Lyddon Hall were startled in the early hours of the morning to find water swamping their corridor.

The incident occurred after a burst pipe in a bathroom on the second floor led to water leaking to the floors below.

Residents awoke at 2.30am after the running water set the fire alarm off.

Speaking to Leeds Student, one resident staying in Lyddon Hall said “We got woken up by the fire alarm at 2.30, I went out in to the corridor and it was covered by about 2 inches of water.” She added, “It was like it was raining on the two bottom floors.”

Students took to social media to describe the situation, with many using the hashtag ‘#Pray4Lyddon’. One resident tweeted, “We are officially flooded. End scenes of titanic much #pray4lyddon”

A University spokesperson said, “After receiving a report of a water leak affecting public areas of Lyddon Hall, Security alerted staff from Residential Services who attended the site at 3am. “Staff worked through the night to clear the water and a programme of work has now been organised to repair damage to areas of the ceiling and floor. Other pipework in the building has been checked to ensure that it is in good condition. We apologise to any residents who were disturbed as a result of clear up operations.”

Words: Phil Mann

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